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10 Tips for Improving Your Vehicle’s Fuel Economy

With fuel prices the way they are, any simple action that directly increases a car’s fuel economy is a big help. Here are our 10 basic suggestions for how to improve your mileage and save some money in the process.

Tip 1: Plan Your Route

Better fuel economy comes with better planning. Try to combine 2-3 trips into one and design your route beforehand so that it covers the shortest distance AND avoids the busy times of the day on the roads in question.

Tip 2: Drive Smoothly

Another way of improving fuel economy is by focusing on driving smoothly – i.e. always accelerating and braking steadily, rather than taking off in a hurry and stopping in the same manner, both of which are in a sense wasting fuel.

Tip 3: Use a Fuel-Price App

It might take a bit of effort to get it on your phone and work out how to use it (ask friends for their recommendations), but fuel-price apps are a way of guaranteeing you always know the cheapest petrol station in your area.

Tip 4: Check the Tyre Pressure

Under-inflated tyres reduce a vehicle’s performance and thus lead to poorer fuel economy. Some may tell you to over-inflate instead. That can cause other problems. Keep your tyres pumped up for stability and even travel, but stick to the manufacturer’s recommended maximum.

Tip 5: Use the Right Engine Oil

Using the correct engine oil for your car will give better fuel economy. Be aware, though, that there can be a trade-off between reducing friction in the engine and protecting it under higher temperatures. As usual, go with the manufacturer’s advice on oil type.

Tip 6: Minimise Aircon Use

Switching on the car’s airconditioner easily becomes an automatic action. However, leaving it off when the heat/cold isn’t too unbearable, especially on shorter journeys and when you’re dressed to cope, will reduce the overall load on the system, thereby improving fuel economy.

Tip 7: Switch off While Waiting

Speaking of switching off, if you know you’re going to be waiting in the vehicle for a while, don’t be tempted to leave the engine running. Idling is a real waste of fuel. You may be forced to do it in a traffic jam, but there’s no excuse if you’re just, say, collecting the kids from sport.

Tip 8: Empty the Boot

Stuff left in the boot can quickly add up to the weight of an extra passenger. You’ll enjoy better fuel economy if you don’t allow gear to accumulate here.

Tip 9: Remove the Roof Racks

On a related noted, unless you use your roof racks regularly, you might wanna think about removing them. They create drag, meaning the engine has to work harder. Ditching them decreases air resistance and is a further step towards improving fuel economy.

Tip 10: Most Important of All – Get Regular Vehicle Checkups!

The previous nine tips are all pretty much common sense. What makes even more sense is taking your car for a service at your trusted local repair centre as soon as it is due. Unless a vehicle’s various mechanical/electrical systems are functioning properly, you’ll never achieve optimum fuel economy, no matter how many good habits you form. Your mechanic will ensure that they are.

Is it Time for Your Latest Vehicle Checkup?

Mainstreme Automotive is the place to go. Based in Dayboro, in the Moreton Bay region of Qld, we are a family business that’s been operating since 2001, earning multiple five-star reviews. As well as offering 24-hour towing, we can service/repair most types of vehicles and are committed to providing the best work at a competitive price. For enquiries, email or , call (07) 3425 1503 or use the online enquiry form located here.

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